Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Project Based Learning Ideas For High School English

Project Based Learning Ideas For High School EnglishProject based learning ideas for high school English is a good idea for students that want to build upon their education and increase their knowledge base. A good project will provide students with the opportunity to explore different areas of interest, learn new skills, and generate interest in a field of study. The best way to develop a project based learning program is to join a variety of projects that will get the student excited about what they are working on.There are many ways to choose a project for high school English. The number one thing to remember is that it should be something that will motivate students to do their work well. They must enjoy the process and be able to think creatively and be interested in the results.It's important to have a plan for the project. The goal of the project should be to write a report in an organized and convincing manner. Students must be able to determine if they are successful or not lose motivation.If students find a project too easy, they will not want to work on it. It's important to have multiple projects so that students do not become bored. It is a good idea to focus on a certain area of interest during the first year of high school English. Gradually the student will want to expand their horizons and take on more challenging projects.Students should understand that there is more to a project than just writing the report. Each project has its own set of problems that need to be solved. One project may have particular problems that don't exist in another project and vice versa.Students should seek help from someone who is familiar with the particular project. They should also work with a mentor for their project to ensure that they are getting the most out of their efforts. High school English teachers are also good resources for students who want to learn more about project based learning ideas for high school English.By taking the time to choose a project that will help them gain insight into their area of interest and learn new skills. Students will feel more motivated to complete their projects and will give the project greater attention and more attention. By working together and sharing ideas they will learn how to develop a better sense of responsibility and a better grasp of English grammar.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Dont Forget the Subject! Common ESL Mistakes

Dont Forget the Subject! Common ESL Mistakes Recently Ive been noticing a lot of my ESL/EFL students that speak Spanish or Portuguese as a first language make a similar mistake, leaving out the subject of certain English sentences.For example, Ive heard several students say: Is hot.Can you see the problem with that sentence? It is missing a subject. The sentence should be, It is hot, with it as the subject.The reason for this mistake is fairly obvious. In Latin-based languages, such as Spanish or Portuguese, the subject is often part of the verb. In Spanish, for instance, the same sentence would read: Hace calor. The verb hacer has been conjugated to indicate the subject.In English, the subject is separate from the verb, and only changes it in the third person singular with a few exceptions (to be is one of the exceptions). Saying Is hot, would be similar to saying Hacer calor in Spanish. People would probably understand what you mean, but the sentence sounds strange.Ok, we hope that helped you. If you have any questions about English, feel free to contact us or write them in comments, and we will help.If youre interested in English classes, please contact us with the link above. Click here if you are interested in Spanish classes.

What Is The Value Of Education

What Is The Value Of Education Children are often not sure of the value of the education that they are provided with. They watch TV and see people living fantasy lives using very little academics, yet living a very comfortable, and sometimes even excessively posh lifestyle.TV shows like the Kardashians, and Real Housewives that purport to be Reality TV do not show a reality that promotes academic values. A common questions I ask children is, “Who are your heroes?”Personally I find a lot of inspiration from the story of Michael Faraday. A scientist of humble origins from a time when scientists where the pop stars of the day. Faraday changed lives as we know it inventing the electric motor. He was also responsible for many other breakthroughs in science, but the contribution of electrical motors was a real game changer. I love watching documentaries on historical scientists. But this is just one way to show the value of education.In our lives we often use our education, but may not realize it. Taking children wi th you to the grocery store for instance, or using their help in assembling a recipe can provide real life examples of when math with fractions can be not just relevant but useful. Your child will almost surely be excited to eat a meal in which they played an important role!Another instance where students can use their academic skills in a family setting is discussing the story arc of a movie, or critically reviewing a news story of interest to the family. For example perhaps a family can discuss a recent news article, not just for the content, but for the quality of writing, how it could have been made more convincing, and why the author chose to wrote the article using his or her chosen writing conventions as opposed to perhaps the writing that is observable in a how to article, or a trade magazine. If a student wants a raise in allowance, or a toy you can ask them to write an article explaining their interest, and providing critical feedback about how they can improve their writi ng.Children are capable of being quite convincing if they are properly motivated.To provide a story that allows children to see the value of education I commonly tell children a story as follows.Let’s imagine that you own a McDonalds. It is estimated that one in every eight Americans has worked at McDonalds. (source: Many jobs are very similar to jobs at McDonalds, for example jobs at Burger King, Wendy’s Popeye’s etc. It is estimated that almost half of the U.S. workforce has worked a fast food job at least once in their lifetime (source: after informing students of this fact I say that there are multiple jobs that they can assign people to. Someone to sweep the floors and clean the equipment, someone to be the cashier, someone to make the burgers, and someone to be the manager. I say that the cleaner gets minimum wage, the cashier makes a little more and that the manager can make about $20 an hour. I explain how decisions the manager can make can have a huge impact on the profitability of the store. For example if the manager can be on top of things such as keeping up employee profitability, making sure the floor environment is clean, and also assuring that all materials are on hand and ready to assure fast and efficient operation of the business that instead of selling 20 to 25 burgers per hour, the business can sell 25 - 40 burgers per hour. I ask students usually at this point to explain if they see this as reasonable or possible.I also explain that of course burgers are associated with accompanying sales of drinks and fries. If we estimate that each transaction with a customer nets a profit of approximately three dollars , and we can estimate that each managed store on average conducts thirty transactions per hour then we can estimate that these stores are pulling in nine hundred dollars an hour. However without a good manager these stores would not get the fifty percent boost in productivity and would only make six hundred dollars an hour. (it is important to remember that the fifty percent boost on the net is calculated on the original number, so fifty percent of six hundred is actually three hundred and the sum is therefore nine hundred..) The difference of three hundred dollars multiplied by twenty four hours equals a net difference of seventy two hundred dollars per day. If students cannot follow the calculations conducted in this short presentation, I tell them that they are not yet ready for management. I then point out that if they have made basic calculation errors during our session that they may not be ready for the position of cashier, for even a mistake of five dollars in only five percent of daily transactions can lead to a difference of how much? Why don’t you do the math? It’s fun!Anyways, students often do not plan to go into a career in food service, but this little exercise can show a student that if they aspire higher, that they will have to use the lessons the y have learned in school!Keep Studying!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Thoughtless Age - Tutor Hunt Blog

The Thoughtless Age The Thoughtless Age The Thoughtless AgeSubjectsWe are living in a world of ever increasing automation. This isn`t to say that technology is becoming a more integral part of our lives - that would be a trite statement indeed. What it means is that we aren`t required to put as much thought into the every day tasks of life. Only a few decades ago the kettle would whistle when it was boiled - and if you didn`t answer its banshee screech the water within would soon become part of the atmosphere, boiled away to vapour! Now of course kettles have a thermostat, and will turn off the heating element once their contents have bubbled and roiled for a few seconds. There are even machines that will make the whole cup of tea, adding just enough milk and sugar to suit you. Perhaps soon the contraption will deign to drink the beverage as-well, and save you the trouble of all that sipping and swallowing. In our plastic-fantastic world of ready meals and microwave snacks the art of cooking is fading fast - why go to all the effort of preparing and combining numerous ingredients (some of which you might even have to seek out in different shops!) when you can just peel back the advertising membrane, pop the the whole thing in the machine, press a few buttons, twiddle a few knobs and voila! you have something masquerading as a meal. Best get it down your neck quick though, before the additives and preservatives start reacting with the air. Soon there will be self driving cars - just open the door, get in and sit down, and tell the machine your destination. In moments you will become part of tributary system of other automobiles, all travelling in excess of 100 mph, each device only a short distance from its neighbour. A cattle parade of the future. Electric toothbrushes, robotic vacuum cleaners, dishwashing machines - It can all be done for us, no exertion is needed. Contractions of any major muscle groups will soon be a thing of the past. Our lives can be lived for us - and the machines are going to get them right. Many job roles are being replaced by automatons of one sort or another. When self service checkouts were introduced into our supermarkets about a decade ago, people were amused. The consensus seemed to be that it was a mistake - that someone at head office had enjoyed an long and inebriating lunch, then issued a few drunken proclamations that were somehow taken seriously. `Customers scan their own products? Then they`ll be able to choose which ones they want to pay for!` seemed to be the popular thought at the time. Of course the insidious devices worked rather better than many hoped, and numerous jobs were replaced by these beeping, bagging area contraptions, all without protest: not a luddite in sight. How far could the education sector be automated though? It seems too incredible to imagine an android at the end of a classroom, explaining the nuances of a shakespeare sonnet with a tinny, emotionless voice. This might be the wrong way to visualise things though - after all, the self service checkouts hardly fit the image of a robot, even though that is just what they are. Just think what a learning resource something like Youtube is, how many major universities (including Harvard and Berkeley) upload and large amount of their lectures. A year ago my son expressed an interest in learning the guitar, and when it became obvious this interest wasn`t going to abate, wasn`t just another ephemeral passion like so many others (stamp collecting, painting, archeology) we purchased him an acoustic guitar. A few months later I heard my son listening to some fairly technical guitar playing in his room, and I paused to enjoy the music myself. I was reminded of my teenage years, how I was going to be the next Kurt Cobain, and change the world with the brilliance of my compositions. The music was good, obviously some `unplugged` album by a new performer whose name I would never have heard of, but was all the rage right now. Walking into my son`s room I was astonished to discover that he was the one playing. I asked him where he had learnt to play so well, how he had become so proficient in only a few months. `On youtube dad - they have thousands of teachers. You just pick one you like, and work your way through their lessons.` There are it seems lessons for almost anything on this most popular video sharing website. Those who malign it for being nothing but a juvenile repository for funny cat videos are quite significantly misjudging its encyclopaedic catalogue of more academic and useful information. I myself, not being particularly computer literate (perhaps it would be more accurate to say I don`t spend hours a day staring at a screen - the world is more engaging, more beautiful to me than anything the liquid crystal screen can conjure up) was ignorant as to the the full breadth and range of its resources. There are videos to help you learn how to juggle, to fix your car, to cultivate your garden to blooming success; to paint, to diagnose medical ailments, to write a novel; there are numerous and extremely edifying videos (I have begun using them) on cookery; and there are videos on learning the guitar - and just about every other instrument you can think of. Though this repository of information would put the library of Alexandria to shame (and no fire can so easily destroy it) watching a video is not the same as getting a lesson from a teacher. The demarcation is perhaps not so clear though - if a teacher is simply speaking to the class, and not engaging with them, and not attending to each pupil`s needs, then they might not be providing a pupil with anything they can`t learn online. The great benefit of one to one tuition is that the teacher can give their full attention to just a single pupil - gauge their understanding of new concepts and techniques as the lesson progresses, and discern the specific points the pupil is struggling to comprehend. For the moment teachers are probably safe - there`s no `Robbie the Robot` coming to take their job any time soon. Things are changing fast though - only a few years ago the proposition of a self driving car would have seemed lubricous, something out of a science fiction film. Those just beginn ing their career as a cab driver may well find themselves supplanted by a self driving automobile (how apt the etymology of this word is becoming) well before they retire. 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Dr. Ivana Kawikova Calls Job Discovery Feature Magical

Dr. Ivana Kawikova Calls Job Discovery Feature Magical Gold Apple tutor Dr.  Ivana Kawikova of New Haven, Connecticut calls  TutorZ new Job Discovery feature magical! Dr. Ivana Kawikova wrote in response to TutorZ new Job Discovery feature the following email:   Hi Dirk Thank you for the magic touch on Discover jobs! Things are now good and I am receiving jobs. ?? Kind regards, Ivana Dr. Ivana is MD-PhD physician-scientist with interdisciplinary background in pediatrics, pharmacology, immunology and neuroscience. She tutors primarily USMLE Step1, Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS and Step 3 at TutorZ. Ivana has received TutorZ highest honor â€" the Gold Apple Award Dr. Ivana Kawikova Calls Job Discovery Feature Magical Gold Apple tutor Dr.  Ivana Kawikova of New Haven, Connecticut calls  TutorZ new Job Discovery feature magical! Dr. Ivana Kawikova wrote in response to TutorZ new Job Discovery feature the following email:   Hi Dirk Thank you for the magic touch on Discover jobs! Things are now good and I am receiving jobs. ?? Kind regards, Ivana Dr. Ivana is MD-PhD physician-scientist with interdisciplinary background in pediatrics, pharmacology, immunology and neuroscience. She tutors primarily USMLE Step1, Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS and Step 3 at TutorZ. Ivana has received TutorZ highest honor â€" the Gold Apple Award

?? Hiring A Tutor For A Child With Special Educational Needs (SEN)

?? Hiring A Tutor For A Child With Special Educational Needs (SEN) Hiring A Tutor For A Child With Special Educational Needs (SEN) It is not unusual for any child to experience difficulty in learning at some point in their education. This is often temporary and can be put down to a lack of confidence or problems with a particular subject. However there are some students that need extra or different requirements in their education.The term ‘Special Educational Needs’ is used to describe the disabilities and extra learning difficulties that can stop children learning at the same speed and level as other children their age. Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) often need additional help and provisions to perform to the best of their ability.Search for tutors with experience teaching children with special needs here.There is not one set form of SEN. Different children can experience difficulties in one or more areas including problems with understanding and learning, emotional and behavioural needs, speech and language communications, and physical and sensory difficulties.Most Special Educational Needs can be met by the capabilities of a mainstream school, however different special needs students need to be catered for, and those with more complex needs can benefit from additional resources including private tuition. Hiring a private tutor offers a vast range of benefits to any learner, but especially those with additional needs.Tutors are experienced and specialist teachers.Using expertise in particular subjects, tutors can offer a detailed learning environment on the subjects you’re looking for, rather than a broad overview of multiple subjects. If you’re looking for support in one particular subject area, a private tutor is an ideal choice.Having the choice of a tutor who is trained to understand the complexities of SEN. Not only knowledgeable in their subject, tutors with experience handling additional needs can easily adapt their lessons to match the speed, level and challenges that come with disabilities and learning difficulties.Private tuition allows a child to receive the 1-to-1 attention that is best placed to enhance their learning. The tutor is able to give all of their time to the specific requirements of the student rather than splitting their attention with other students. Conc entrating all efforts towards the goals of one student means challenges can be highlighted and overcome sooner, in a much more personal method and setting.Frustration with education can easily be overcome by hiring a private tutor. With focused attention, working at a speed and level that suits them, and a less pressured environment, students with SEN can find a new confidence and enthusiasm for learning when working with a tutor. Having a more positive attitude towards education is a superb way of helping them develop knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects.If you’re considering private tuition for your child and want to support their Special Educational Needs, first speak to their school and get advice on which areas would be the most beneficial to focus on. Some students may have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which can offer welcome guidance to tutors and help in setting objectives. Depending on the experience of the tutor, the subject and level of study you’re looking for, and any additional requirements, private tuition can vary in price. The hourly rate is set by the tutor and the best way to get an idea of the cost of tuition you are looking for is by performing a search in your local area. With Tutorful there are no hidden fees and the price you see on the website is the rate you will pay for each lesson.Search Tutorful for tutors in your area and filter results to include those with experience in teaching children with SEN. See results based on subject and level of study and find a tutor that fits the needs of you and your child. Send them a message to start a conversation and organise the next steps of your child’s tuition. For more information about booking a tutor, visit our FAQs page.

Organic Solvents - Solving The Problem Of Cheating At Home Cleaning

Organic Solvents - Solving The Problem Of Cheating At Home CleaningIf you have been looking for solvents to clean a variety of jobs at home, then I am sure that you would want to check out the Solomons Organic Chemistry Solutions Manual PDF. In this course, you will find that there are about 8 chemicals that can be easily cleaned with the following methods. The following is the list of different organic solvents that can be used in cleaning various types of jobs at home:This chemical can be used to melt down grease soluble substances that cannot be digested by human beings. This method is known as distillation. It is important to put the right amount of sodium acetate into the pot for dissolving. However, this solvent needs high temperature to dissolve, and you need to heat the chemical.This is another chemical that can be used to dissolve grease soluble substances. This solvent will also require high temperature to dissolve. However, it will evaporate off quickly.This chemical is us ed to dissolve liquids that are not digested by human beings. To use this solvent, you should put in more liquid hydrogen into the pot. You should add water to the chemical. When the concentration of hydrogen increases, this solvent can become more corrosive.It is known as degreasing, and this solvent is quite corrosive. To make this solvent, you should mix with the use of dilute sulfuric acid. However, you need to mix the solution very carefully to avoid exposing yourself to the acid.The most common uses of this solvent are to melt off grease soluble substances. Other uses of this solvent include: cleaning copper, magnesium, and aluminum wires, scraping off an apple with a knife, cleaning rubber, silverware, wood, and many more things.If you are planning to use solvents to clean at home, then I strongly recommend that you check out the Solomons Organic Chemistry Solutions Manual PDF. You will definitely find the best solvents to clean your cleaning jobs at home.